B.B. Schneider

The world’s attitude toward the third and fourth commandments demonstrates how far mankind has wandered from God. As there is profanity everywhere where man dwells, so is their utter neglect of the Lord’s Day all over the world.

One of the most powerful proofs that this world is under the influence of Satan, the “god of this world” is to be found in the history of the terrible battles of World War II. Every major phase of that war was planned to begin early on Sunday morning, and all of them began on Sunday morning with the exception of the invasion of Normandy which was scheduled to come off on Sunday morning but had to be postponed to Tuesday morning because of adverse weather.

World War II began on the first Sunday of September 1939 when France and England declared war on Germany which had assaulted Poland. In the spring of 1940 the battle of France and the Lowlands began on a Sunday morning. A short while later Hitler’s armies plunged into the Balkans, early on a Sunday morning.

The next major phase of the war was Hitler’s fateful invasion of Russia on Sunday morning, June 22, 1941. Of course, those of us who are old enough do well remember the awful shock in this country when Japan suddenly bombed Pearl Harbour, and the United States became involved in that Global war. Yes, it was early Sunday morning, December 7, 1941 about 7:00 o’clock Honolulu time when the bombs began to drop.

The next major phase was our successful invasion of Africa to get at Hitler’s armies there, staged on Sunday morning, November 8, 1942. The invasion of Normandy also was scheduled for Sunday morning, but the weather forced the postponement.

Glad that the great war was ended, we enjoyed a few years of uneasy peace which suddenly was interrupted by the invasion of South Korea by the Reds from the North, which brought the United States into another costly conflict. And when did this conflict begin? You guessed right, for it began early Sunday morning, June 25, 1950.

It seems as though Satan was showing God what he can get man to do in leading the world to abuse His Holy name and using His Holy Day in which to begin his blood letting.

© 2008 by Dr. Peter Masters. Metropolitan Tabernacle. Published in the UK, used with permission.