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Revelation: A Manual of Spiritual Warfare – Alan Dunn Book Recommendation

Well, perhaps you're like me. For years, I would read the book of Revelation because, as a Christian, I am committed to read my Bible. But I would immediately get lost. I'd lift my head from the pages, look around, wondering, where am I? It's such a challenging book, and yet it begins with a promise of blessing for all who read. And I read. But I was more confused than blessed. So I began reading commentaries… an entire shelf full of commentaries. Gradually, I found voices that not only agreed with one another on how to interpret Revelation, but were also consistent with what I understood the rest of the Scripture to teach; voices that were articulating an interpretation of Revelation that gave clarity, and therefore conveyed that blessing that is promised to the reader in chapter 1, verse 3. As a disciple of Christ, not only did I desire to understand the book of Revelation, but as a pastor, I wanted to minister the blessing of Revelation to the people of God. I resolved to preach an expository series of sermons through the book of Revelation. About five or six years ago, I expressed this resolve to a [...]

God Keeps Saving Us

D. Scott Meadows
"All things work together for good.” This is a truncated quip from our text verse that many use for encouragement, but without the whole verse and an appreciation of its surrounding context, the quip may mean little more than, “Every cloud has a silver lining.”
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Seeing with the Glasses of Scripture

John Calvin
Let us remember that that invisible God, whose wisdom, power, and justice, are incomprehensible, is set before us in the history of Moses as in a mirror, in which his living image is reflected.
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The Key to Utopia

Warren Peel
I wonder if you would think of proposing the fifth commandment as your key to utopia? ‘Honour your father and your mother.’ This commandment alone carries with it the explicit promise of societal bliss: ‘…that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you.’
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The Promise of Romans 10.9

D. Scott Meadows
OT Israel had largely missed the way of salvation from their sins and guilt announced in the OT Scriptures. They had wrongly thought to be saved by their own righteousness of conformity to the law, meriting God’s well-done to their worship and morality.
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A Spiritual MRI of the Heart

Warren Peel
In Proverbs 4.23 Solomon warns his son, ‘Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life.’ He goes on to give admonitions about the mouth, the eyes and the feet (vv24-27), but it is the heart that must be guarded above all else. Why?

The Grace of God’s Descent for our Salvation

D. Scott Meadows
At the heart of the biblical faith is the truth that salvation is by grace alone—not by our merit, strength, obedience, or struggle. This grace is not only proclaimed in the gospel but illustrated in redemptive history, most particularly in God’s “descent,” so to speak, to be our Savior in our Lord Jesus Christ and to enliven us by the gift of the Holy Spirit.
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Christ, The True Vine

Dr. Robert P. Martin
All that Jesus says in the final hours before his arrest (John 13-17) is designed to equip his disciples to fulfill their mission after his departure. Among the things that he addresses is the critical importance of on-going communion with himself.
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God the Father and God the Son in John 5:26

D. Scott Meadows
The resultant creeds promoted doctrinal unity in Christ’s church and were necessary to identify and repudiate heretics.
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Featured Video

Temptation and the Christian | Jeff Smith

We are living in an hour of trial, of testing, of temptation. The risen Lord Jesus Christ is able to guard and strengthen us through such seasons of temptations. How does the Lord do that? How does He accomplish this guarding? The Lord uses means which He has ordained, which are revealed in the pages of the infallible and all-sufficient Word of God, the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments. You need to go to your Bible to know how to equip yourself in this hour of temptation and trial that confronts all of us here in this world. 

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Exclusive Psalmody? – W.J. Seaton

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Sanctifying Power – Dr. Peter Masters

Watershed Text on the Christian Life – Albert N. Martin

The New Covenant/Arminianism (1) – Dr. Alan J. Dunn