Dr. Alan DunnDr. Alan J. Dunn

Have you read the government brochure “Understanding Aids”? The phrase “risky behavior” is used repeatedly. What is meant by “risky”? Obviously “risky” means “liable to get infected”—a pragmatic concern. “Safe behavior” is “sex with one mutually faithful, uninfected partner.” But mutual faithfulness is the language of marriage. Mutual faithfulness is not a matter of pragmatics, it is a matter of morality. Marriage is the moral context for sex. The seventh commandment is: “You shall not commit adultery.” Safe sex is moral sex.

Marriage was instituted in Creation. God created man male and female commanding them to be fruitful and multiply. Marriage was given to provide companionship, as the context for sex and procreation, and to be the nucleus of social order. Marriage is inherently a sexual relationship in that it is the union of the two sexes. Those who view God as being somehow against sex are mistaken. Adam and Eve were made to have sex. But sex, due to sin, has become another arena in which man’s rebellion against God is demonstrated. Sex is not sinful, but God judges sinful sex. “Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled; for fornicators and adulterers God will judge.” (Heb 13:4)

God made you a sexual being. Is your sexual behavior “risky”, that is, immoral and liable to God’s wrath? Jesus says our sexuality involves more than our genitals, that even to look at a woman with lust is to violate the seventh commandment. (Mt 5:27,28) Do you peruse pornography? “God will judge the secrets of men through Christ Jesus.” (Rom 2:16) Are you engaging in sex apart from marriage? Are you having an affair? Are you not afraid of God’s judgment? Why engage in such “risky behavior”?

God gives His people something you’ll get nowhere else: sexual satisfaction without guilt. Does that interest you? Then repent of your sin. Put away your adulteries and fornications. Come by faith to Christ. He will cleanse you of your sexual defilements, give you a clean conscience, and teach you how to truly love, body and soul.

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