During a seven-hour televised townhall on the theory of manmade climate change, Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders acknowledged he “very, very strongly” supports population control through means of funding global abortion programs “especially in poor countries.”
“Pushing birth control and abortion as a means of lowering population growth, and specifically of eliminating ‘undesirable’ populations, is not a new tactic on the part of progressives. Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger, for instance, was a pioneer in the eugenics movement’s effort to provide contraception to minority communities, largely to limit the continued growth of what she deemed unwanted populations.
Sanger put a fine point on this in her writings: ‘The feebleminded are notoriously prolific in reproduction’…. The worldwide fear about (catastrophic population growth) predictions was acted on most aggressively in India, where the government conducted 8 million sterilizations over a period of two years in the 1970s.” (National Review)
Courtesy of The Banner of Sovereign Grace Truth. Used with permission.