John Gerhard

The advantage of prayer is so great that it cannot be expressed. For what the heart is to the living man, prayer is to the soul; what rest is to the weary, what joy is to the mourner, what gold is to the needy, what strength is to the weak, what the muscles to the body, what the breath and blood to the life – all that, to the troubled soul, is prayer. What the sun is to the sky, prayer is in a Christian man. Prayer is the dove which, when sent out, returns again, bringing with it the olive leaf, namely, peace of heart; prayer is the golden chain which God holds fast and does not release until He blesses; prayer is the strong wind, which blows away the locusts of hell; prayer is the Moses’ rod which brings for the water of consolation out of the Rock of Salvation; prayer is Samson’s jaw bone which smites down our enemies; prayer is David’s harp before which the evil spirit flees; Prayer is David’s shepherd bag which furnishes sling-stones for the destruction of the enemy; prayer is the key to heaven’s treasure. Prayer is the little bark which bears us in safety through this deep and stormy sea of life; it is sweet incense, precious in God’s sight. Prayer enlightens the mind, nourishes confidence and hope, kindles love, increases humility, and begets within our minds a lively desire for heavenly things.

Courtesy of Wicket Gate