George Lawson

Watch over your heart with all diligence, for from it flow the springs of life (Proverbs 4:23).

That our hearts may be kept, we must observe them with a watchful eye, and endeavor to be well acquainted with their leading principles and their inward workings.

It is a shame for one who knows many things, not to know himself; and the chief thing about ourselves to be known is the heart.

With a strong hand must the heart be ruled; and it ought to our constant endeavor to subject to the word of God, our every imagination and reasoning, every opinion and thought, every inclination and affection.

A neglected garden will not be so full of weeds — as a neglected heart will be full of vain thoughts and exorbitant passions, hateful to God, and dangerous to our own happiness and peace.

The heart must also be guarded against those dangers that perpetually threaten our best interests. It is like a besieged city attacked by mighty and cunning enemies, and in danger of being betrayed by a treacherous traitor within.

It is a great encouragement to us in performing this difficult duty, that our labor shall not be in vain. Numerous the promises made to us of assisting grace, and if we suffer from a surprise of the enemy, Christ prays that our faith will not fail.