Paul Christianson

Paul K. Christianson

Every Christian should understand the grace of God, which may best be accomplished by a simple outline of five points telling us how God redeems his people.

What is this grace? It is nothing less than the very moving of God that thundered through Europe in Martin Luther’s day; that very grace preached by George Whitefield in England and Jonathan Edwards in the American Colonies during the First Great Awakening and Asahel Nettleton in the second Great Awakening 60 years later; it is that very grace that was preached in the mission fields by men with the names of Carey and Judson.

Indeed, it is that old truth that ushered forth from Spurgeon’s pulpit at London in the last century; it is that very grace of God of which Augustine wrote and preached during late Roman times, and the same grace of which Paul the Apostle wrote about in 13 Epistles.

Just think about these aspects of God’s loving kindness toward his people: Jesus Christ died for each Christian personally (Acts 20:28; John 10:14, 15); He unconditionally loves each Christian (Ephesians 1:4; Acts 13:48; 2Thessalonians 2:13); in spite of a Christian’s willfulness, his love is irresistible and far more powerful than all your fears and problems combined (Romans 9:10-24; Jeremiah 13:23).

Even when you were still in the thralldom and bondage of sin and unable to turn to Christ of your own will (Romans 8:7; John 1:13; Jeremiah 13:23), he brought you into his light and will continue to perfect you until you are with him in heaven (John 10:28, 29; Romans 8:37-39; Psalms 37:28). What a mighty, loving, and glorious savior we have who has taken us out of the land of bondage and brought us into the land of promise.

Knowing that each Christian’s salvation is wholly of the Lord and not one bit from self, we find additional encouragement from Philippians 3:37-7 and especially verse three, which says, “…put no confidence in the flesh…” This includes all of our past, present, or future achievements.

As the great Scottish theologian of the 17th century, David Dickson said, “I have taken all my good deeds and all my bad deeds, and have cast them together in a heap before the Lord, and have fled from both to Jesus Christ; and in him I have sweet peace.”

How can we not have all confidence in Christ and glory only in him, who for our sakes was a servant even unto death, and that death on a cross. Take time to understand these five points of God’s grace and you will see their effect in every part of life.

The promises of God are real and his purposes will be fulfilled…now go living before him with joy and gladness knowing that you serve a savior who really does save.