John Reuther
Chapter 1 – “Of The Holy Scriptures”
A. The Revelation of God – Para. 1
1. In General Revelation
2. In Special Revelation
a.) Deed and Word Revelation
b.) Written or Iscripturated Revelation
B. The Canon of Scripture – Para. 2 & 3
1. The identity of the canonical books.
a.) Old Testament – 39 books
b.) New Testament – 27 books
2. The rejection of the apocryphal books.
3. The test of canonicity.
True Scripture is given by inspiration of God.
4. The implications of canonicity.
True Scripture is the rule of faith and life.
C. The Authority of the Bible & The Witness of the Spirit – Para. 4 & 5
1. The duty of faith in the word of God.
a.) Does not depend on the testimony of any man or church.
b.) Is rooted in the authority of God Himself.
2. The evidences that the Bible is the word of God.
a.) The church bears witness that Scripture is the word of God.
b.) The church encourages a reverent esteem for the word of God.
1- It’s heavenly or divine content.
2- The power of it’s doctrines.
3- The majesty of it’s style.
4- The unity of it’s parts.
5- The scope of the final product of written revelation.
6- The complete and sufficient revelation of God’s salvation to sinners.
7- Many other incomparable excellencies and entire perfections.
3. The full persuasion and assurances of the believer by the witness of the Spirit.
D. The sufficiency of the Bible & The Illumination of the Spirit – Para. 6
1. Scripture contains the whole counsel of God.
2. Scripture addresses all things necessary for man’s salvation, faith and life.
a.) Expressly stated (commands, directives)
b.) Necessarily contained in (principles, implications, applications)
3. Nothing need be added.
a.) By new revelation of the Spirit.
b.) By the addition of the tradition of men.
4. A commonality to human actions and societies which are ordered by:
a.) The light of nature.
b.) Christian prudence.
c.) The General rules of the word of God.
E. The Clarity of the Bible – Para. 7
1. All Scripture is not equally plain and clear.
2. Things necessary for salvation are very clear.
F. The Preservation & Translation of the Bible – Para. 8
1. The Scriptures are the product of Divine Inspiration.
2. The Scriptures have been providentially preserved by God through history.
3. The Scriptures are therefore authentic.
4. The Scriptures must therefore be translated into the languages of all nations.
G. The Finality of the Bible – Para. 9 & 10
1. The Bible is it’s own final interpreter.
2. The Bible is the supreme judge of all controversies and final resolution of our faith.
Exposition of Chapter One
A. The Revelation of God – Para. 1
1. In General Revelation (Unspoken – insufficient for salvation)
2. In Special Revelation
a.) Deed and Word Revelation
b.) Written or Inscriptrurated Revelation (most necessary)