Well, perhaps you’re like me. For years, I would read the book of Revelation because, as a Christian, I am committed to read my Bible. But I would immediately get lost.

I’d lift my head from the pages, look around, wondering, where am I? It’s such a challenging book, and yet it begins with a promise of blessing for all who read. And I read. But I was more confused than blessed.

So I began reading commentaries… an entire shelf full of commentaries. Gradually, I found voices that not only agreed with one another on how to interpret Revelation, but were also consistent with what I understood the rest of the Scripture to teach; voices that were articulating an interpretation of Revelation that gave clarity, and therefore conveyed that blessing that is promised to the reader in chapter 1, verse 3. As a disciple of Christ, not only did I desire to understand the book of Revelation, but as a pastor, I wanted to minister the blessing of Revelation to the people of God.

I resolved to preach an expository series of sermons through the book of Revelation. About five or six years ago, I expressed this resolve to a brother at a pastor’s conference, and he told me of his pastor, Max Doner, that Max had recently preached through the book of Revelation with great profit, and he urged me to contact Pastor Doner. I did, and Max sent me a manuscript of his sermons.

Those sermons are what are found in these two volumes of the book of Revelation. These are not a commentary per se. They’re transcriptions of sermons that Max preached. As I read his material, I could see that he too was engaging with those very same voices that had proved to be so helpful to me.

After I read through his treatment of Revelation, we finally spoke on the phone, and I learned that Max had traveled much the same road that I did in my own studies of Scripture and theological development. I’m presently expositing the book of Revelation in my pulpit, and I’m continually conversing with those credible voices that I endeavor to handle the Word of God and to gain their input, and Max’s voice is in that conversation. He provides an example of how to preach this most challenging portion of Scripture.

I’m utterly delighted to see his work being published by Aquila. I’m confident that Max’s messages will be owned by the Spirit to minister that promised blessing of Revelation to you as you learn to read and even to proclaim this thrilling portion of God’s Word as Christ’s faithful witnesses in our generation.

Revelation: A Manual of Spiritual Warfare, Expository Sermons on the Book of Revelation, set of volumes 1 & 2 by Max Doner is available at Trinity Book Service: https://www.trinitybookservice.com/revelation-a-manual-of-spiritual-warfare/

Disponible ahora en español: https://www.cristianismohist.com/apocalipsis-un-manual-de-guerra-espiritual-2-volumenes/

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kkMd7xBjnzY