I have declared my ways, and thou heardest me: Teach me thy statutes (Psa 119.26).
Intimacy requires communication. You cannot really know someone, and they cannot deeply know you, without “dialogue,” the two-way give and take of candid talking and careful listening, each with the other.
This alone constitutes authentic conversation, and there is precious little of it in this world. We often say things we do not really mean. We sometimes withhold our true thoughts and feelings that ought to be disclosed. When we seem to be listening, we can be planning instead what to say next. And should we come to the point where we are ready to speak with total honesty and listen with humble patience, how rare it is to find another willing to do the same! Is it any wonder that we are often terribly estranged from others, sometimes even from our immediate family members who live in the same household with us, and we find ourselves profoundly lonely?
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