The Fear of God Part II

Definition of the Fear of God

Albert N. Martin

The fear of God is the soul of godliness. As I pointed out, it is obvious to observant Christians that this pervasive and dominant theme of Holy Scripture has well nigh been lost to our own generation. As we endeavor to acquaint ourselves with at least some of the pivotal aspects of the scriptural teaching on this subject, we sought in the last study to do but one thing—to capture and feel something of the predominance of the fear of God in Biblical thought.

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The Fear of God Part I

Predominance of the Fear of God in Biblical Thought

Albert N. Martin

The fear of God is one of the great and dominant themes of Holy Scripture. However, it is a subject concerning which there is almost total silence in our day. It is a theme that was very prominent both in the thinking and in the preaching of our forefathers. It is interesting that, when our spiritual forefathers desired to describe someone who was marked by unusual godliness, they would often call him a “God-fearing man.”

The fear of God is the soul of godliness. Take away the soul from the body and all you have left, in a few days, is a stinking carcass. Take away the fear of God from any expression of godliness and all you have left is the stinking carcass of Pharisaism and barren religiosity.

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