John MacArthur

Dr. John MacArthur

This excerpt is taken from the Bible Teaching of John MacArthur.

…The church is the one institution the Lord promised to build and to bless. An abiding love for His church is a hallmark of true conversion; indifference to the church is tantamount to indifference to the Person and work of Jesus Christ. What’s more, membership and involvement in a local church is inseparable from a Christian’s spiritual health and growth. Scripture knows nothing of a Christian who is not connected to a local congregation, even if the only one available is struggling and weak.

Whatever misconceptions there are in this world about the church, and whatever weaknesses exist within the true body, that doesn’t diminish the Savior’s commitment to His bride, nor does it derail His promises. There is no plan B and there are no substitutes.

By God’s design, the church is the center of every believer’s spiritual life. It is where we study, feed, grow, train, correct, comfort, partake in the ordinances, and minister the “one anothers.” The church was given for our protection, instruction, discipline, and equipping. It is lighthouse, greenhouse, hospital, classroom, and crucible. It is not an optional path among many, nor is it merely an aid in our spiritual life—it is central.